Dakota knows to well that miracles can happen. This affectionate and handsome boy was rescued from the side of the road, apparently hit by a car. So sad, no owner came forward for him. Surgery repaired his fractured hip and broken leg. His vanity was scarred at first when they shaved him for surgery. His fur is now growing back.
Vet feels everything is on the mend and no problems seen. Obviously, for Dakota we would love to see him in an exceptional home that will keep him safe inside and spoil him. Despite all Dakota has been thru he is a very loving and affectionate boy. He can be very demanding in a sweet way...wanting to sit on your lap and be held and vocal. Instantly purrs and hasn't met anyone that he does not like. social with cats, dogs and children in the foster home. When all that fur grows back he'll likely be a large cat with a FLUFFY tail.
email to: lastchancepetrescue-dickson@yahoo.com
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